Yoga Teacher Training
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Taozi Tree Yoga would like to deeply welcome you to the beginning of what could be a life-changing experience. Making the decision to take a yoga teacher training isn’t about becoming a yoga teacher. It is about really deeply looking into your core and uncovering and reconnecting to your most authentic self.

Connect to Yourself
in a NEW way
Are you curious enough about yoga to spend over 200 hours reading, discussing, and practicing it with like-minded people? Are ready to have your perspective and outlook on life transformed and rocket into a new dimension with more purpose and value behind everything that you do?
Taozi Tree Yoga’s 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings have graduated 190 students since our beginning in 2018. The heartfelt reviews and output of teachers shining and spreading their light globally is a testament to the true heart and quality of this unique experience.

Become Certified Teacher
and Forever Member of Taozi Family
Our 200 HR ELEMENTAL FLOW yoga teacher training is Taozi Tree Yoga's signature offering. Its success stems from the authentic teaching of yoga's ancient wisdom as well as its modern applications to live life lightly and free the mind. Course content including asanas, pranayama, philosophy, subtle energy, anatomy and teaching skills are organized according to the foundational elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. Our unique framework allows students to personally experience and absorb the complexity and vastness of the material. Join us to become a Yoga Alliance certified teacher and forever member of the Taozi family!
Enjoy Unlimited Classes Once Registered
Students who are fully paid will receive unlimited membership for regular studio classes and can purchase class passes for special events at the special rate.
To ask us anything or to receive the application please contact us via our WeChat public account or send an e-mail to Theresa.
WeChat ID: TaoziTreeYoga
Apple Luo, Spring YTT 2023
"We had the best teachers, all of them are so knowledgeable and experienced, and most importantly are always willing to share their passion and love for yoga with us. Taozi is a community that is fully fulfilled with love, it is so precious!"
Catalina, CNY YTT 2022
"Whether you are a long time practitioner or just dipping your feet into yoga, I would recommend this course for everyone. I often joke that it every human took this course, we could achieve world peace...but all jokes aside, I truly believe that this course has transformed my life and I can live everyday more freely and mindfully."
Tiffany Fang, Fall YTT 2021
"Upon graduation, I was taking the advantage of my 10 teaching practicing classes at Taozi Tree Yoga. This is an amazing and unique opportunity to strengthen my teaching techniques and learn the first-hands experience on how to handle a real yoga class as a REAL yoga teacher."
Life Changing Experience
The most common questions we receive about this training are: Do you think I'm good enough to participate in a yoga teacher training? Do I have enough experience? Am I strong or flexible enough? Our answer in almost all cases is YES!
Our questions for you are... Do you love or are you curious enough about yoga to spend 200 hours + reading, discussing, and practicing it with like-minded people? And, more importantly, are you ready to have your perspective and outlook on life transformed?
If you have been thinking about joining our tribe on this exciting journey and you wish to take your own practice to the next level, then now is the time. If you are ready to rocket into a new dimension with more purpose and value behind everything that you do... then please, join us. Our yoga teacher training is guaranteed to be a life-changing experience.

Listen to Your Spark!
Nine Spring Weekends at our beautiful Sanlitun studio space + other beautiful venues around Beijing:
Theresa, founder of Taozi Tree Yoga
Ashish, hails from India, Rishikesh, yoga capital
Zhao, phenomenal vinyasa teacher 500RYT
+ Ryan, Biljana, Marcia and more star teachers!
Early Bird Pricing:
19,900RMB (paid in full by September 18th)
Full Investment:
What We Learn
Our training is based on the 8-limb path outlined by Patanjali and our lineage from Krishnamacharya.
Upon successful completion of the 200HR course, you will receive a certificate and the ability to apply for registration with Yoga Alliance, the most recognized yoga certification organization in the world, as an RYS 200 (Registered Yoga Teacher).
Curriculum Includes:
Ashish, Ryan, Marcia, Theresa
Morning Satsang (community practice) including pranayama, meditation, and kirtan/chanting
Mechanics of breathing as it relates to natural breath and pranayama + kumbhaka; full yoga breath, ujjayi, kapalabhati, nadi-shodhana
Zhao, Biljana, Theresa
Daily asana practice exploring concepts covered in daily lectures and workshops; classes may include mudras, mantras, chakras, and other deeper themes
Yoga history; from the ancient Indus valley to modern-day; Vedic Era/Pre-Classical Era/Classical Era/Post-Classical (modern-day; Including Krishnamacharya)
Study of the ~50 most commonly found asanas in entry-level to intermediate level classes; intention, benefits, teaching technique, contraindications, modifications, bio-mechanics, Drishti, Bandhas (energy locks) and the energetic effects (vayus, chakras, doshas)
Yoga physiology, energy bodies and how to incorporate in classes
Anatomy of the body, musculoskeletal system and, key joints + how to practice safely with injury prevention as a priority
Sequencing charting + 6 actions of the spine
Theresa, Biljana, Marcia
Sankalpa writing and intention setting
Yoga Nidra: Relax into Greatness w/ Rod Stryker to help plant the Sankalpa into students hearts
Yoga philosophy and how it applies to our daily lives; exploration of the Yamas and Niyamas
Intro to Ayurveda and Dosha imbalances (Kapha+Vata+Pita)
An exploration of voice and the ability to practice dharma (our true life's purpose) and finding a place for karma yoga (service) in our lives and in our community
How to teach; the yoga Ps (posture, pace, presence, professionalism)
Yoga ethics
Final written exam + teaching practicum with unparalleled and invaluable feedback sessions
Additional Value
+ free to join any regular studio class and special events at Taozi
Intro to teaching special groups: PST, elderly, pregnancy, kids
Intro to Mindfulness + Yoga and the brain / Intro to trauma-informed teaching
An opportunity to practice teach in community classes in Beijing
Much, much more...