Welcome to Taozi Tree Yoga Studio
We are working towards building a schedule that truly helps our students grow into their practice! Join our thriving community and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.
Our Classes
Vinyasa L1/2:
Suitable for all levels with modifications. As you mindfully integrate movement and breath, this Vinyasa class is aimed at the seasoned beginner and intermediate practitioners who are ready to expand their yoga practice. These classes begin to encourage practitioners to explore sun salutations, inversions, arm balances, and backbends.
Vinyasa L2/3:
In this class you will be challenged more deeply on both physical and psychological level. While more physically advanced asanas will be introduced to the practice, a deeper understanding and involvement on every level in the basic asanas will be cultivated and encouraged. This class is suitable for students with regular yoga practice, not suggested for beginners.
Beginners Vinyasa:
This program can help you to learn yoga in a systematic way: asana, meditation, breathing techniques so you can start practicing yoga on your own easily. Remember: yoga is a process, not a pose. Whether or not you touch your toes is irrelevant-what matters at the end of a practice is the state of your body, mind, and emotions.
Traditional Hatha:
The goal of this class is to bring physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium. To help maintain a variety of yoga poses for longer lengths of time, props like blankets, bolsters, and blocks are used. As a result, the mind and body are able to completely unwind and recover from mental and emotional strain.
Morning Flow:
Welcome to join our teacher for this morning practice, this flow will combine the mindfulness self compassion practice, allowing you to be found, and to be nourished.
Lunch Power Flow:
A short and sweet Vinyasa Level 1/2 class that will get your heart pumping over your lunch break. This energetic flow is perfect for those trying to fit yoga into their workday.
Yoga for Clarity:
A weekly 75-minute yoga class with a soul. Each class, we will complete a holistic yoga practice which includes asanas, pranayama (breathwork), and meditation—striving for presence of self as we do so. You will leave class with a clear mind, an open heart, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Yoga for Athletes:
Yoga for Athletes combines yoga, core work, mobility drills, deep stretching and breath control to meet the essential needs of the athlete’s body.
Prenatal Yoga:
Join a great group of expectant Moms for a 6-week series of Prenatal Yoga classes. Expect gentle stretching and strengthening, mental centering, and developing greater awareness of the breath. Each class is a 75-min flow with plenty of modifications and moments of rest.
and more!
Seeds to Trees Program
To recognize that many of our newer teachers are still learning (yes we absolutely believe they are qualified, brilliant, and beautiful creative teachers) as they take their first and developing steps into their full on teaching journey their classes will be 70 RMB.
For them the time is an extended “incubation” or “apprenticeship” period where they can continue to learn and grow through community feedback and love. These will be on the schedule as TAOZI SEEDS. Once our growing teachers gain enough experience, you may find them listed as a regular studio classes or headlining community events as blossomed grown TAOZI TREES!